Cover Lay Down WILL return…soon!

We are saddened to report that, due to circumstances beyond our control, Cover Lay Down’s hosting company went down last week without warning.

Honestly, we were just as surprised as you were.

And, as the week progressed, we were shocked to learn that we had neither back-ups nor legal recourse, other than a total reconstruction from the ground up using old files and fragments.

Though we are pleased that so many in the Internet community have stepped up to offer support and comfort, fully rebuilding the blog is turning out to be a herculean task.

Which is to say: I’m working on it, folks.

Thanks to all who frequent the blog for your ongoing support and your eternal patience.  Things will be back to normal as soon as possible, I promise. Until then, stay cool, and keep listening to and sharing the good stuff.

Category: Metablog 9 comments »

9 Responses to “Cover Lay Down WILL return…soon!”

  1. rogue46

    Glad to see you hanging in there. Good luck with your reboot.

  2. maine character

    They say you don’t know what you got till it’s gone, but I always knew this was a great blog, with music to match.

    Good luck with it, and see you on the other side.

  3. dwkstur

    Thanks so much for all you do! Great blog. It is truly appreciated!

  4. JoeG

    Is there anything we can do to help?

  5. Fervor Coulee

    I was distressed when you disappeared last week. So glad to hear you are on the way back. Thanks for all you efforts.

  6. boyhowdy

    JoeG: much appreciated offer. Sometime soon, I will need to renew the call for donations; once there’s something to bring folks to again, I will also ask fans to help out with a major burst of word-spreading, since a week off-line has left me invisible to Google and other search engines.

    Until then, the best way you can help is the usual: be cool, say hi, share the load, and be there to listen and love alongside. Thanks!

  7. Scott

    Welcome back!


  8. Birgit

    Good luck and thanks that you don’t give up!

  9. Lewis

    I’d been checking back to see if you’d reappear and was pleasantly surprised to see you back online. Way to fight the gremlins boyhowdy!

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